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Crystals For The Bedroom

Knowing the best crystals to keep in your bedroom for a good calm night sleep, romantic vibes, protection, sweet dreams or even nightmares is a common question I get asked at times.

I personally only keep a small amount near the end of my bed up on the wall, nothing too overpowering. Unfortunately, mixing too many energies can make us have an unsteady night’s rest.

The bedroom is an incredibly personal space where energetic harmony is essential to feeling safe, calm and comfortable. We all want to create a peaceful night’s rest so we can wake up feeling replenished for our day to day lives. We are often at our most vulnerable in our bedrooms, especially when having trouble sleeping, and letting our emotions and thoughts get to us when trying to tune out.

Using the correct crystals in your bedroom can help you achieve a peaceful environment, control your thoughts or sometimes spice things up! Whatever the use I can recommend some crystals to help you manifest the energy by utilising the power of crystal magic.

Crystals for Romance – 

  • Rose quartz is often called the Love Stone, associated with love and happiness. It’s energetic hallmark is that of unconditional love, deepens relationships and embrace self kindness to you and others, deep compassion, tenderness, and love toward yourself and those all around you.
  • Amazonite stone is a strong stone for communicating by healing and opening both the heart and throat chakras to enhance loving communication, this is particularly helpful if you sometimes find it difficult to tell the truth
  • Lepidolite has a quite unusual vibration that helps to activate your connection with your higher self, and aids you to recognize the Divinity within your own self. This vibration aids you to feel a spiritual sense of love, for yourself and for others, and its effect within the heart chakra.

Crystals for Sweet Dreams – 

  • Hematite is strong, protective stone will keep you emotionally and spiritually safe. Place Hematite near doorways or windows will purify the energy that is entering your home. If you have negative energies or nightmares, place Hematite under your bed or pillow.
  • Dalmatian Jasper is excellent as assisting a good night sleep and helps to dispel nightmares. A great nurturing stone. Our wide range of healing stones mean you can easily find one that is meaningful and suitable to you.

Crystals for Calm Night’s Rest – 

  • Amethyst is widely known for its ability to calm and soothe emotions while aiding in falling asleep. It’s the perfect crystal to use if stress, adrenaline, or even grief are the reasons you’re struggling to sleep because of its highly calming aura.
  • Kyanite is a high vibration stone with a strong energy, bringing you a calming, tranquilizing energy to the body, while keeping you centered. It’s because when the chakras are balanced and open, you can freely express what you think or feel.
  • Lapis lazuli is a stone of serenity and peace, calming tempers, releasing stress, and bringing the mind and body together in harmony. Placed over the third eye, Lapis expands awareness and conscious attunement to the intuitive self, stimulating enlightenment and enhancing dream work. 

Crystals for Protection – 

  • Black Tourmaline crystal is a powerful stone for protection and elimination of negative energy that you can use for your personal energy and as a protective shield for your home
  • Selenite makes it a good stone for protection. The energy combined with its angel associations makes it outstanding for angelic protection. Selenite has a wonderful very high vibration and you can use it to charge other crystals.

Crystals to Ease the Mind –

  • The energy of fluorite gently guides you to sort through your mental clutter. By clearing away unfounded worries, fluorite makes space for positivity to flow in, cleansing and stabilises the aura. It absorbs and neutralises negative energy and stress.
  • Black Obsidian Stone is a powerful cleanser of psychic smog created within your aura. Its energy draws you in softly, but very deeply, which makes the presence of black obsidian powerful in many ways
  • Clear quartz is highly prized for its ability to clear the mind of negativity to enhance higher spiritual receptiveness. Because it works by raising your vibration and helping you stay clear on what you want to create, a Clear Quartz crystal is the ideal stone for manifestation.

Find your perfect crystal below