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Star of the week – Chrysocolla

Feel the tranquility of the deep blue sea, while holding this lustrous Chrysocolla. 


Chrysocolla is a blue green crystal with a high copper content. It is opaque in transparency with a vitreous to dull luster. Chrysocolla is a Phyllosilicate mineral often found in rounded masses, vein fillings or crusts. Properties are made up of Malachite, Cuprite, Quartz, Azurite, and Limonite. Chrysocolla is found in massive forms that can be crusts, stalactites and in a botryoidal form.


The name Chrysocolla was first used by Theophrastus in 315 BC and comes from the Greek chrysos, meaning gold, and kolla, meaning glue, in allusion to the name of the material used to solder gold.

Healing Properties

A stone for your inner goddess. Chrysocolla is a vibrant, unusual stone that encourages confidence, creativity and brings joy and music to our daily routines.

 This is a wonderful teaching stone that by improving communication, encourages us to reveal our highest knowledge, that others may benefit from our experiences. This may come in the form of speaking to a friend, teacher or student. It inspires us to be expressive and genuine and to speak our knowledge.

This stone will not only enhance your personal power, it will also inspire creativity and overcome phobias. Need a boost, this stone will give you motivation to begin and complete your tasks. This is a stone sends tranquillity and sustaining vibrations to you, when meditated with.

The Colour Blue

Blue is the colour of the ocean, the sky and healing.

If you’re attracted to blue vibrant hues of Chrysocolla, this may be a good reason to slow down, take a step back and have a deep breath. Holding this stone will give you a sense of calmness and relaxation.

Blue also represents meanings of depth, trust, loyalty, sincerity, wisdom, confidence, stability, faith, heaven, and intelligence.

Align your Chakras

Chrysocolla works wonders when it comes to connecting with your throat and heart Chakra. These energies unlock and stimulate these chakras, making it possible for you to channel the love from your heart to other people.

This stone also facilitates a clearer communication of your inner wisdom, giving us a more deep understanding our own needs and emotions.


Cleansing your specimen with Sage is my preferred way to cleanse and rid of any negative energies that the stone may hold, as it’s much safer than water baths or ritual bowls.

More importantly, Chrysocolla will cause the water to become toxic due to its copper content.

Chrysocolla won’t mind being out in the moonlight, you can leave it on a window to bathe in the full moons energy, as well.