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White Sage Smudge Stick


Smudging is a traditional practice in many indigenous cultures, believed to purify and protect a person, place, or object from negative energies. White sage, in particular, is known for its calming and clarifying properties. White Sage is a traditional medicine plant used for healing and ceremony. It’s used for cleansing and purification. Smudge ceremony is…

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Smudging is a traditional practice in many indigenous cultures, believed to purify and protect a person, place, or object from negative energies. White sage, in particular, is known for its calming and clarifying properties.

White Sage is a traditional medicine plant used for healing and ceremony. It’s used for cleansing and purification.

Smudge ceremony is performed to correct the energy in a home, in an office, in an object, or even in a person. This is accomplished by burning sage or sage and a combination of herbs, in a focused, intentional way to cleanse out negative energy and to replenish positive, healing energy.

Rituals can be performed in different ways depending on spiritual significance. Part of their beauty is that there are no restrictions or set rules. However, guidelines should be established and followed for safety and to ensure success.

Burning your herbs requires a sustainable, heat resistant holder. I absolutely love using abalone shells as they hold special energies on their own. Cast iron pots and cauldrons are fantastic for ceremonies or even just a household bowl will work if you have nothing specific on hand.

If you’re looking to cleanse your own energy field or a physical space, I can offer some general guidance on how to use a smudge stick:

  1. Light the smudge stick and allow it to burn for a few seconds.
  2. Gently blow out the flame, allowing the stick to smolder and release its fragrant smoke.
  3. Hold the smudge stick over a heat-resistant surface or in a shell, and direct the smoke towards the area or person you wish to cleanse.
  4. As you smudge, focus your intentions on releasing any negative energies and inviting positive, calming energies into the space.
  5. Allow the smoke to clear the area, and then extinguish the smudge stick.

Remember to always use caution when working with fire and to follow any local regulations or guidelines for smudging.

**Please do not use if pregnant or around small children. Burn with a well ventilated room and open all doors and windows**



Each Smudge stick is approximately 11.5cm long / 50gm 

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