Unakite Essential Oil Bottle


5 in stock


Unakite Essential Oil Charm Bottle.
Pop on a necklace, key chain or hang on your handbag.

In which ever way Angels are known, there are ways in which you can communicate and work with them for yourselves and others around you. Use this Unakite Angel for abundance, with its nurturing energy of green with the soft, caring passion of pink.

Nature’s most healing crystals of the heart and mind. It resonates with the frequency of love, compassion and kindness, and is a stone dedicated to balancing the emotional.

Unakite is a stone with gentle but powerful energy. It can assist one in finding one’s animal guide. It is also a stone that is helpful for gardening. Unakite is also a good protection stone.

Unakite is said to be a stone of vision, opening the third eye and useful for scrying. It is also believed to be a stone of balance, grounding the self while bringing emotions and spirituality together.

Geology : 

Unakite is a pink and green metamorphic rock composed of pink orthoclase, green epidote, and colorless to milky quartz.  From this we get the meaning that what comes together, belongs together.

Unakite forms when granite is altered by hydrothermal fluids, and plagioclase in the granite is transformed into epidote. Unakite is used as a construction material, an architectural stone, a lapidary rough, and a gem material.


Product Details  :

5.5cm from top of bail
Screw top lid / Golden Tone Brass 

You will receive one bottle per order, intuitively chosen for you.

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