Sesame Jasper and Selenite Gift Set


3 in stock

SKU: SJ-BOX Category: Tags: , , , , , , , , ,


Great gift  for those who love to carry their gemstones around with them. 

3 piece set comes with in a box.  Sesame Jasper Pocket Heart.  Handmade Key chain with stones of Sesame Jasper and Selenite. Raw Selenite log.

Sesame Jasper and Selenite Gift SetSesame Jasper heart 
Sesame Jasper is a very vibrant and stimulating stone. By harmonising the heart’s rhythm, it shifts the carrier’s attitude to life, adjusting the mindset, and regulating the mood. All making it a great crystal for times of transformation, because it prepares a person to overcome any barriers they are to face.

Sesame Jasper nurtures and supports us in times of stress. Sesame Jasper lifts the spirit, removes negative emotions, and offers us strength and support.

It raises ones spirit and elevates the mood. This “euphoria” is not the kind that you lose your thought process, but it more attunes you to the natural pulse of love, which of course brings about the shift in attitude, mood and mind. Which in turn helps in balancing the art of giving and receiving.

This stones nurturing energy will help you feel relaxed and at peace. Its uplifting vibration lightens your mood and lifts your spirit, creating a sense of harmony and joy.


The translucent white nature of Selenite represents spiritual purity, light, and connection to the angelic realms. Therefore, it is one of the most sacred crystals throughout history.

Selenite embodies a high vibration energy. Providing clarity of the mind while expanding awareness of one’s surroundings. The pure cleansing vibration is an effective tool against negative thinking, relief of stress and clears the mind. 

Selenite is a calming stone that diffuses a deep peace surrounding one with heavenly light. Bringing radiance and harmony in meditation. Secondly, this stone is for connecting with your guardian angels for the purpose of guidance and direction.

Product Details  :

Heart – 3cm 

key ring – 9cm long 

Selenite – 4cm 

You will receive box, intuitively chosen for you. 

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