Peach Stilbite on Scolecite


1 in stock


Awaken Your Spirit & Activate Your Magic with this Peach Stilbite on Scolecite cluster.

Peach Stilbite puff is a soft, delicate crystal, helping to open the heart. Itโ€™s calming influence brings inner peace and stillness within the mind. It is thought to induce the vibration of wonder and creativity.

Stilbite is also a powerful manifestation stone. When you connect with the energy of this stone, you will be able to turn your dreams to reality. You will be able to unlock the messages that your dreams contain, and you will be able to receive direction, clarity, and purpose from the energies of this stone.

Peach Stilbite has the power to cleanse you completely of unwanted lingering energies whilst balancing the heart chakra with its warm peachy glow.

It is also believed to help with emotional healing and balance, making it a popular choice for those looking for emotional support.


A very tranquil stone, Scolecite radiates peaceful energy and can protect against negativity as its high vibration can help to transmute lower ones. As a stone of higher consciousness, it opens up connection and stronger communication with spiritual realms.

Scoleciteโ€™s meaning ties to many internal processes or feelings like inner peace, introspection, and self-healing. Somewhat similarly, the white scolecite meaning is one of profound spiritual love that envelopes your entire spirit immediately.


Description :

145gm / 7cm x 5cm wide x 3.6cm thick

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