Orthoceras Fossil Tower


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Definitely a statement piece for your fossil collection. This Orthoceras has multiple straight horns all displayed together in a tower.

Orthoceras Fossil Tower

When it comes to the energy in which this Orthoceras fossil possess, it’s all about the ancient knowledge this sea creature holds.

This fossil pushes us on a path of transformation, from who we were, to who were are and to who we want to be. You will naturally have an instinct to pursue happiness and a desire to improve in all aspects of life. It will attract greater self-confidence and success.

Orthoceras activates, opens, and heals the Root Chakra to ground us back down to earth and channel her healing energies through the body and through the aura.

They cast off negativity & release karmic attachments. Within is a very strong Earth & heart energy that unblocks energy pathways, giving rise to vibrant new energy.


Orthoceras “straight horn” is a genus of extinct nautiloid cephalopodrestricted to Middle Ordovician-aged marine limestones of the Baltic States. These creatures are now extinct lived during the Upper Devonian period around 370 million years ago.

They are abundant in all sea rocks, especially in large quantities found in limestone. Orthoceras crystals are usually brown, black, green, or grey. It depends on the crystals that penetrate the stone layers.

Product Details : 

Weight – 1.900kg

Measurement –  25cm tall x 8.5cm wide

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