Lepidolite Palm Stone


1 in stock


Known as a stone of peace, Lepidolite Palm Stone can be used to bring a sense of calm to its holder.

Lepidolite Palm Stone

Lepidolite has a quite unusual vibration that helps to activate your connection with your higher self. This vibration aids you to feel a spiritual sense of love, for yourself and for others, and its effect within the heart chakra.

This crystal was originally called Lilalite due to its lavender colour. The soft lilac-lavender hues inspire an overwhelming sense of tranquillity that soothes and remedies any energetic imbalance that might be troubling your heart, mind, or soul. ย 

It brings emotional healing and helps you get deeper into meditation and has a positive vibration that stimulates positive coincidence or synchronicity. It stimulates a stronger ability for you to be in harmony with Spirit, and it aids you to feel more settled and serene about life.

Holding your lepidolite angel can have a highly beneficial vibration that brings a calming and soothing energy to calm and relieve stress.

Give your immune system a bountiful boost by inviting Lepidolite into your life!

Geology :

A member of the mica family, It occurs in granite pegmatites, in some high-temperature quartz veins, greisens and granites.

Most specimens of lepidolite have pink, red or purple as their dominant hue. These are the expected colours of lepidolite. The mineral sometimes has a dark tone, which gives it a grayish appearance. Secondly, rare specimens of lepidolite can be colourless or yellow.

Product details

Weight โ€“ย 110gm

Measurement โ€“ 7cm long x 4.2cm x 2cm thick


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