Carboniferous Leaf Nodule


1 in stock

SKU: CARB-LEAF1 Category: Tags: , , , , ,


Fossil Carboniferous Leaf plant preserved within sideritic nodule. 320 Million Years, Mazon Creek, Illinois, USA

Glossopteris Leaves Fossil

Characteristic of the Carboniferous period from about 360 million to 300 million years ago, were its dense and swampy forests, which gave rise to large deposits of peat. Over the eons the peat transformed into rich coal stores in Western Europe and North America.

Carboniferous terrestrial environments were dominated by vascular land plants ranging from small, shrubby growths to trees exceeding heights of 100 feet (30 metres). The most important groups were the lycopods, sphenopsids, cordaites

, seed ferns, and true ferns.

Product Details :

Weight – total of 92gm

Measurement – each piece 7.5cm tall x 3cm wide

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