Butterfly on Howlite Slice


1 in stock


I’ve handmade this colourful Butterfly using resin attached it to a slice of Howlite. Slice has flat cut base to stand up on its own.

Butterfly on Howlite Slice


Many find Howlite very calming, and it is sometimes recommended as an aid for sleep. It has an “inner-outer” quality that encourages communication on many levels, including higher communication, as well as non-violent communication, in which case it allows us to see the other person’s point of view and approach discussion with a calm, clear head, often showing a way in which to meet both party’s needs.

Howlite is a stone of emotional healing that contains vibrations directly resonating with one’s root and crown chakras. This is a unique combination, with Howlite opening up portals of entry on opposite points of the etheric body.


Product details  :

Weight – 40gm

Measurement – 6cm x 4.7cm

Comes with a clear stand for display

I’m am very fragile piece, please keep little fingers away from me.


I’m a creative artist and love to make things out of crystals and gemstones. Please Find more of my handmade products via link.
>>Artisan Gem Crafts by Leanne<<

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