Bismuth in Dome


1 in stock

SKU: BISMUTH-3 Categories: , Tags: , , , ,


Fascinating bismuth in glass dome, in astounding pyramid cluster formation, these colours are quite amazing.

Bismuth is a stone of transformation and change, helping to adapt with calm assurance. These crystals help to bring a sense of calm and tranquility into your life, and may help you to make changes that are quite transformative in nature.

They’re also known to help you in adapting a higher vibration, by connecting you to the divine, as well as might be beneficial in assisting you in making a much deeper link into the universal mind, through all that is. They might also help you in adapting when you’re experiencing loneliness, feeling distant from others, or the feeling of separation.

Process :

It’s fascinating crystalline structure in geometric hopper is formed by heating the metal into liquid form slowly to produce a beautiful cluster in rainbow colour, from the oxide layer.

Geology :

Bismuth is a silver colour heavy metal formed in nature in the earth. Its compounds are generally found along with ores of other metals, such as lead, silver, gold, and cobalt.


Product Details :

Dome 3.5cm tall x 2cm
Specimen is approximately 2cm in size
