Bird on Stichtite


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Iโ€™ve handmade this beautiful bird with Resin and Black Tourmaline and attached it to this rare specimen of Stichtite with Serpentine.

Bird on Stichtite

Stichtite has a rich purple colour and have wonderful energy, bringing you peace, tranquility and joy to oneโ€™s life. It expands awareness and promotes unity of the mind, body and soul. Stitchtite helps one stay true and resolute when making the positive changes one needs to make in their life.

Stichtite will help you to be aware of negative feelings and attitudes you may have that stops you from achieving your desires. If you have been having emotional problems caused by relationship issues, this stone will help you to heal.

Stichtite is believed to emit a vibration associated with love and forgiveness, fostering qualities of compassion, unity, and cooperation. This crystal is thought to provide protection from negativity by creating a protective bubble of light energy around the bearer.

Stichtite is a magnificent stone that possesses powerful metaphysical properties that aid in kundalini awakening, spiritual healing, and development. The loving vibrations leave a strong effect on the heart chakra and thymus chakra. When combined with Green Serpentine and some other stones too this excites kundalini awakening.

Geology :

Stichtite is a mineral, a carbonate of chromium and magnesium. Its colour ranges from pink through lilac to a rich purple colour. It is formed as an alteration product of chromite containing serpentine.

Barberton South Africa.

Product Details ย :

Weight – 70gm

Measurement –ย  8cm x 5cm wide x 5cm tall

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