Bird on Clear Quartz


1 in stock


I’ve handmade this adorable little bird with Malachite, Chrysocolla and Azurite chips and set it in resin. She sits nestled on this raw chunk of Clear Quartz.

Bird on Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is a power stone, excellent for harmonising and balancing one’s environment. Quartz is also good for energising other crystals for cleansing. It is considered the master of all healing crystals due to its ability to magnify or amplify healing vibrations of other crystals.

Available in abundance this highly prized Stone works well with its ability to clear the mind of negativity to enhance higher spiritual receptiveness. Because it works by raising your vibration and helping you stay clear on what you want to create, a Clear Quartz crystal is the ideal stone for manifestation.


Malachite is no exception, and with its energetic properties, it does an amazing job in encouraging you to let go of old traumas and patterns and to step outside your comfort zone.

If you are finding yourself drawn to the vibrant Malachite crystal. It could mean that it’s time for a change, as this stone is known for transformation! Bring energy and focus to new growth while pruning off the brambles holding you back.


When it comes to healing moods this is where Azurite truly seems to shine. It’s a stone connected to inner vision. Throughout the whole of history, mystics and healers have turned to Azurite to help connect them with spirit guides.


Chrysocolla makes a great teaching stone by improving communication. Encouraging us to reveal our highest knowledge so that others may benefit from our experiences. This may come in the form of speaking to a friend, teacher or student. It inspires us to be expressive and genuine and to speak our knowledge.

Product details  :

Weight – 215gm

Measurement –  9cm x 4cm wide x 5.5cm tall


I’m a young Australian Creative Artist and love to implement crystals and gemstones in handmade artisan products. Please follow my work via
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