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Smudging Your House to Cleanse Negative Energy

Many religions use ceremonial Shamanic smudging. Which dates back thousands of years, to purify the mind, body and soul, and also the atmosphere and to dispel negativity.

Smudging is a powerful tool to create Sacred Space, essentially to bring balance to a person, group or home for knowledge and wellbeing. The smoke was believed to disperse impurities allowing the healing process to commence. As the smoke rose the prayers would also rise to the Spirit World. Asking for guidance to create harmony, peace and your negative thoughts and emotions would be lifted away.

The herbs most commonly used in smudge sticks are sage, but there are many other sacred herbs can be used Cedar, Mugwort, Lavender, Sweetgrass, Rosemary or Palo Santo.

1. To use your smudge stick, hold over a fireproof cauldron or abalone shell to prevent burning or glowing herbs from falling onto the floor.

2. Open any doors and windows to ventilate the room. Please do not use this if you are pregnant or asthmatic.

3. Light the smudge until the tip begins to smoulder and say a prayer of your choosing or just mentally focus your energy.

4. Move in a clockwise direction around your house and gently wave the smoke into the air as you move. You can use your hand, feathers or a smudge feather wand. It is usually a good idea to smudge yourself, both before and after you smudge the house.

We have many ceremonial tools that you can use for smudging.
Please see some of the items available in store below.

Head to full Smudge album here !

Thank you
Leanne – Crystal Harmony

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