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Embrace Your Earth Element 

The earth element is nurturing and seeks to draw all things together with itself. Having a balanced Earth element is essential to feel harmony and calmness therefore feeling grounded and nourished.

Think about Our Mother Earth she’s always there under our feet to support us, she gives us a place to stand that is stable and dependable. You can bring some Earth energy into your life by embracing the energies that surround us in nature. 

When we feel emotional or drained and have a hard time not fixating and obsessing over things in our mind or can’t find an equilibrium, these are signs the earth element is in need of healing.

Here’s How to Heal Your Earth Element:

To balance things out and feel in tune with your Earth Element. Go in the bush for a hike, listen to the birds echo through the trees. Head to your favourite creek or waterfall. Or simply sit on the biggest rock overlooking the scenery. 

Put your feet on the beach and feel the sand between your toes and smell the salty water. Collecting sea shells can be a form of therapy. Just make sure there are no critters inside before you take, so always check. I like to put my shells in my garden amongst the pebble stones and many protection crystals that I throw in there. 

Spend time gardening feeling the soil between your fingers. Getting our hands dirty and feeling the earth’s soil beneath our fingernails is a palpable way to connect back to source and feel grounded.

When you feel more peace within, it becomes easier to make your needs, and therefore your boundaries are more clear. 

Wherever you are, fully immerse yourself in nature and leave technology behind. So no distractions. That way you can experience how much this instantly connects you back to the earth element.

Cant get out due go bad weather? Maybe try some grounding stones.

Hold your grounding crystal, take a deep breath, and feel the sensations of your stone in your hands and your feet on the ground.

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