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Connect with Angelite

Angelite, also known as Blue Anhydrite is a simply amazing crystal for those wanting to connect with Angels into the spiritual realm. The Gorgeous Sky blue colour is as soft as angel wings streaked with a thousand promises. 

Angelite is a lovely blue stone with a peaceful energy that is calming and soothing, with the ability to deepen attunement and heighten perception, therefore it is a powerful stone for healers. Simply holding a piece will induce a soothing sensation that slowly works its way throughout the body.

This is a wonderful stone for those on a journey towards a deeper awakening, with its strong vibration this lovely blue crystal holds an amazing energy which makes it the perfect for healers.

As you work with this stone repeatedly, you’ll notice your inner vision becoming more vivid. Your dreams will be easier to remember and understand, allowing you to be more in touch with your psychic abilities and how to channel them.

If you want to live your life with intention and higher purpose, then Angelite is the stone for you!

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Angelite is made from calcium sulfate and is a form of gypsum. It is formed when celestite has been compressed for millions of years. It’s a soft crystal with a pale blue color and is highly susceptible to soaking up moisture.

This sacred stone that stashed out of sight for many years and was first discovered in 1989 by J.I. Koivula and R.C. Kammerling. Anhydrite, which is only found in Peru.

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